Keeping your Hip Flask Looking like New

A personalised hip flask is a wonderful item to have available to carry your favorite drink. You can slip it into your pocket and take it with you for convenience and style. Any item that gets used frequently like this is going to start showing some signs of wear and tear. Of course if the materials of the engraved hip flask are excellent quality, it is going to be something you can clean up and keep looking like new. Continue reading “Keeping your Hip Flask Looking like New”

Personalised Hip Flasks make a Fun Statement

Hip Flask

There are plenty of trends out there that come and go with time. Yet some of them can be a fun way to make a statement. A hip flask isn’t a new item, but one you can add to your look when you go out. You can make a statement others will be impressed with as a personalised hip flask isn’t something that you see every day.

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Hip Flasks – Difference Between Old and New

Hip Flask

The new hip flasks offer a wider variety of designs and styles. It means you can have one that fits where you plan to keep it. Some individuals prefer a short and wide design while others are looking for one that is tall and skinny. The details of a hip flask have improved with time, offering consumers everything they need for convenience and for their enjoyment.

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Discovery of Hip Flasks Unveiled Here

A way to carry your alcohol is in a hip flask. It is an option that doesn’t seem to as widely utilized as it once was. This doesn’t mean it isn’t useful or that people don’t like the concept. Often, they just don’t have the product or they haven’t thought about getting one. When they are presented with such a gift though, they can’t help but fall in love with it! This is classy, elegant, and very convenient! Continue reading “Discovery of Hip Flasks Unveiled Here”

Personalised Gifts with Engraving

So, you are planning to give a special gift to your loved one but you still don’t have an idea of what it could be. Whether you are giving him or her a present for his or her birthday, your wedding anniversary perhaps or just a simple occasion, you can never go wrong with engraved jewelry. Most individuals these days are longing to receive personalised gift item such as a personalised hip flask or probably personalised cigarette cases. Continue reading “Personalised Gifts with Engraving”

History and Culture of Hip Flask

Hip flask that we recognized today has been around since the 18th century. Back then, hip flasks were larger intended for containing huge amount of wines or whiskey. They were made form silver and glass which have been developed during these past years such as materials like stainless steel and plastics. During the act prohibition in 1920, America decided to ban the production because the item promotes drunkenness and rebelliousness. In addition the sale and transport was led by Anti-Saloon league and established amendment in 1933.

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Emerging Trend of Engraved Hip Flask

Hip Flask Engraving

You’ve seen it in Hollywood movies from action-packed adventure, drama, gangsters, and even comedy. Truly, the hip flask is a total throw back in the twenties which was popularized by Al Capone the co-founder and the boss of the Chicago Outfit. The flask remained in the big screen and television shows and it captured audiences worldwide. In fact, the hip flask was also featured in the Oscar Ceremony as Benedict Cumberbatch takes a little swig from his flask. Others are Nicolas Cage with his hit movie Las Vegas, comedian and producer Adam Sandler in Little Nicky and even The Harry Potter Franchise.

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Personalised Hip Flask and Its Culture

If you love movies particularly in mobsters, gangsters, thugs and syndicate, there is a good chance that you often notice that most of these guys have their hip flask. If you are a Rocky Balboa fan, then definitely you did not miss out PauliePenino with his classic hip flask. You often see such accessory or tool in movies. But this thing has been around since the 18th century. Traditional versions are made from silver or glass and the modern types are made from stainless steel and sometimes plastics for the purpose of avoiding metal detection.

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Hip Flask: A Unique Personalised Commemorative Item

Cubic Grey Hip Flask

Hip flask is designed for holding beverage that fits on trouser. It is a total throw back in the mid 20’s in the era of Al Capone. These were traditionally from silver, stainless steel, pewter and glass. Modern Hip Flasks today are made from plastic to avoid metal detectors such as airports, malls, and other public areas. There are many engraved hip flasks available up to these days with various types of shapes, colors, and size that matches the wearer’s hip for comfort and discretion.  Most hip flask available features captive tops, it is a small arm attached from the top of the flask to the lid so that it will prevent getting lost when the lid is taken off. Hip flasks are commonly for alcohol beverages and have been commercialized in the market.

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Relive the Sip Outlaw Romance with Personalised Hip Flask

Hip Flask Dorre Large

Hip flask is a total throw back in the mid 20’s. Back then, it was roaring and popularized in the hey-day of Al Capone. There is no denying that it was eventually prohibited back in the 18th century since it became a trademark of rebels. There was sneaky sip outlaw romance that even more over than 90 years the style is still adored and charmed by many.

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